alfa romeo

the post gave my wife and me a chuckle.
From: (David
Subject: Cats and Spiders (warning: some car content:-)
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 97 10:43:52 HST
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I agree with some posters that torching cats is a cruel
However, I have to confess that the post gave my wife and me a
chuckle. Those of us who own spiders know that cats can be a real
problem: they dirty the interiors if you leave the top off, and shred
the top otherwise. I've lost 2 tops to neighborhood cats (not to
mention other non-car-related problems).
In this case, when you can identify the cat's owner, he should be held
responsible for any damage (though from personal experience there's
often no talking to the sort of person who lets his cat roam free -
he is not only already exhibiting antisocial behavior w/r to his
neighbors, but also is not doing his cat any favors). Otherwise, you
might get your hands on a humane trap (in the US, you can often get
these free from the local Humane Society; there must be something
equivalent in Sweden). Warning: if you put this trap *in* the car,
don't bait it with too rich-smelling a bait (like mackeral); while
effective, the car might smell for a while (this happened to me).
- - David R.
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