alfa romeo

Cats and cars
From: James Seabolt <>
Subject: Cats and cars
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 23:38:25 -0500
Next Article (by Date): Fiat
131 Dan Cogswell
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Two fiat X1/9s for sale, in need of restoration, £1000 toget...
(Karl Doll)
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>Even the neighboor (sp) came and said hello. He
hasn't spoken to me for
>two years. His cat had an accident in my garage. She was doing a
>little natural need (pee) in my car, and got hit by the acetylen (sp)
>welding flame. It was quite visible and the smell was terrible.
>The cat stayed away for three weeks, but I of course denied every
>knowledge of that matter."
I'll have to agree with ED. I am a cat lover as well and I hate to see
people abuse them or any other animal. That's cold blooded.
* James Seabolt
* United States Webpage:
* 1980 FIAT 2000 Spider (F.I.)
summertime daily driver *
* 1981 FIAT X1/9 (F.I.) 200,000 miles
and still going *
* 1981 FIAT 2000 Spider (Non runner)
* 1994 JEEP Wrangler (YJ)
2.5 liter , four banger
* 1979 Snapper Hi-Vac (bone stock, save for
Techumseh engine) *
* 1976 Chevrolet Pickup 454 Big Block (raw
* 1963 FORD Fairlane (just resting for
the past 12 years) *
Next Article (by Date): Fiat
131 Dan Cogswell
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Two fiat X1/9s for sale, in need of restoration, £1000 toget... xxx
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