alfa romeo

cats and torches
Subject: cats and torches
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 09:57:50 -0600
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>Even the neighbour came
and said hello. He hasn't spoken to me
>for two years. His cat had an accident in my
garage. She was doing a
>little natural need (pee) in my car, and got
hit by the acetylen (sp)
>welding flame. It was quite visible and the
smell was terrible.
>The cat stayed away for three weeks, but I of
course denied every
>knowledge of that matter.
Bad, bad, bad, Wilhelm. That wasn't a nice
thing to do to Frisky. I
must protest this inhumane action (though I
would've done the same
thing, but we're talking about you here, not
me) I like cats, they
taste like Chicken. :)
Italian car content: I once ran over a cat
that was hiding in the
wheel well of my Alfa Spider. Didn't know
it was there until I felt
the thump. Had to hose it off my driveway.
Hope Ed at Caribu still sells me parts.
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and torches (VAYARDO RUIZ)
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for Discussion of Italian Cars Martin Wildeboer
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and torches (VAYARDO RUIZ)
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