Via Veloce
by Wille R.
since November 1995 and still here.
to FAQ. First published
Nov 1997 Next
Alfa Romeo Duetto 1966 - 1969 FAQ
Useless knowledge but . . .
Did you know that:
- On its introduction in March 10th 1966, one writer commented that it was "a
contrived design with meaningless styling gimmicks that would not last
for long".
- The choice for the name of the new car was decided by a competition.
The name Duettowas
chosen from 140.000 entries. The winner, Sig. Guidobaldi Trionfi from
Brescia, got a brand new car as a prize. Among the other suggestions
included Gina
Lollobrigida, Bardot, Piranha, Acapulco, Shakespeare! Al Capone,
Pizza, Stalin, Sputnik, Edelweiss, Gin, Strip, Goal and Hitler! Duetto
is nicer, much nicer.
- When it was launched in the UK, it was priced £ 1.895 or almost as
a Jaguar E-type and twice the price of a Triumph TR4.
- When the "Kamm-tail" was unveiled in 1970, Road &Track
commented "The body is dated and the ergonomics are outdated".
I wonder what the say in 1999?
- Alfa Romeo had such trouble meeting the Californian emissions
regulations that it briefly had to abandon its most lucrative market
in 1975 while Alfa developed a catalyst version.
- Manufacture of a version to meet the British Type Approval became
uneconomic. UK import ceased in 1977 but the last one was sold in
- Dustin Hoffman saved the gorgeous Katherine Ross from a marriage
worse than death, despite his red Spider running out of petrol, in the
film "The Graduate" in 1968.
- There were three different Duettos used in the movie
- Young model linda Gray shows her leg in the poster for the movie,
where Dustin Hoffman is looking at her leg and stockings.
- The Spider was sold in the US as a "Graduate" model during
the 80's.
- The car that was described in 1977 as a "collector's piece
still available new off the shelf" was still available as new
in 1994.
- The Spider was Battista Pininfarina's last complete design before he
- Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto (1966) Price 2.312.800 Lire
Alfa Romeo Spider 1750 Veloce (1967) Price 2.312.800 Lire
Alfa Romeo Spider 1300 Junior (1968) Price 1.796.000 Lire
- Alfa Romeo Duetto / Spider, Model numbers 105/115 (1966-1993): 124.105 cars,
which were
Alfa Spider 1600 (1966-1967): 6.325 cars
Alfa Spider 1750 Veloce (1967-1970): 5.497 cars
Alfa Spider 1300 Junior (1968-1970): 2.680 cars
Alfa Spider 1300 Junior (1970-1977): 4.556 cars
Alfa Spider 1750 Veloce (1970-1971): 3.234 cars
Alfa Spider 2000 Veloce (1971-1982): 16.320 cars, grand total 22.059 including USA-Version
Alfa Spider 1600 Junior / 1600 Veloce (1972-1980): 4.848 cars
Alfa Spider 1.6 (1983-1989): 5.400 cars
Alfa Spider 2.0 (1983-1989): 31.808 cars, including 19.040 USA-Version
Alfa Spider 1.6 (1990-1992): 2.951 cars
Alfa Spider 2.0 (1990-1993): 18.456 cars

Some of the Duetto spiders were alsy modifed for
racing. Here are shots of Duetto
 If you have any comments, please send an E-mail