alfa romeo

Burnt kitties - I'm with Ed.
From: Christopher Judd <>
Subject: Burnt kitties - I'm with Ed.
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 10:36:18 +0000
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I was enjoying your Alfa story 'till I got the the part where your
neighbor's cat got into your car and did what it shouldn't have done.
I truly hope your burning the cat was an accident, but I suspect that if
it were, you would have at least taken responsibility, apologised, and
paid the vet bill (if any). Cat urine in your car is indeed
annoying, but if the cat urinated on bare sheet metal, it didn't really
hurt anything. If the offending kitty urinated on a new carpet or
seat cover, you would have made the kitty's owner purchase a
replacement. No mention was made of this.
In neither case did you have any right or reason to go anywhere near that
cat with a welding torch. If your neighbor decided that he hated the
noise from your Alfa and that it woke him up at 6 am daily, would that
give him the right to take a hammer to your car's bodywork (or urinate
into the fuel tank)? Using your logic, it would.
Don't hurt your neighbors, their animals, their property, or their kids
when they annoy you. Persuade them to knock it off with as much
charm and diplomacy as you can muster because one day the tables will turn
and your new puppy will have gotten out and dug up your next door
neighbor's prize roses. What goes around comes around, so be nice.
It'll be your turn some day...
I think that cat was an excellent judge of character. Grow the hell
up, use better judgement, don't be such a crank, and be thankful for the
good things you have.
Christopher Judd
Member: ACS, SCCA, & FLU
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headlamps for the continent "Adam S. Rodnitzky"
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and torches, please excuse me Wilhelm Roos
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