Via Veloce
by Wille R.
On the Internet since November 1995.
Re: The smell of burning cats From: Next Article (by Date): Fwd:
Two fiat X1/9s for sale, in need of restoration, £1000 toget...
(Karl Doll) While I am not normally a fan of felines, I must admit
this story loses a lot of its cheerfullness with the quote "the smell
was awful". Have to back Ed up on this one. You sound a bit more like
a Camaro owner than an Alfa guy. Did I mention I volunteer at the local animal
shelter???? Dwight Varnes 70 124 Spider 67 Fiat Dino Coupe 92 Mongrel, of unknown origin Next Article (by Date): Fwd:
Two fiat X1/9s for sale, in need of restoration, £1000 toget...
(Karl Doll) Go to LWGate Home
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