Yet another page full with pictures #7
alfa romeo
My Alfa Romeo pictures and a lot more! Best
viewed using netscape 3.5 or higher or I-Explorer 4,0 or higher
versions. Good-looking Alfas!
- This is an Alfa Veloce 1969, smashed and currently being
restored. It's in the register, VIN

- I'm Sean Lee. This is
my first Alfa, a 1989 Spider Veloce. It has only 46K miles. I'm
the 2nd owner. The first let it sit neglected in their barn. My
next Alfa has got to be a roundtail spider, man are those things
gorgeous or what!
Click me
- Mike Q. has been a fan
for years and finally was able to purchase this '89 Spider
Veloce a couple of weeks ago.

- Anders is
overhauling and rebuilding his 2000 Spider. Nice paint and an
immaculate exterior.

- Martin Bruvoll, Norway
. Hello again. I thought i should send you a picture of my
-67 1600 Duetto so you can add it to your gallery. This picture
is taken when I bought the car in Oklahoma,USA in March -98.
It's now under restoration.

- Pierre sends a
picture of his Alfa Spider 2000 1991. Go ahead. Pierre Goudaer.
City of Chaumont-Gistoux. Belgium.

- This is my '72 Spider. We live in Portland, Oregon. Ciao, Joe
Click me
- Here is a side view of my 1976 Veloce. I live in Minnesota so
this little sweetie sleeps through the winter. I'm Dave

- After playing with Photoshop, I finally got what I wanted.
This is how my car looks like. It's an AR 155 2.0 TD from '95.
Like it? This color I really like. Something else than always
red or black. At first I was searching for a red or black one,
but from the moment I saw this one, I fell in love right away!
Regards, Maurice Tempel.

- Hi, My name is Antonio
Diaz Crespo, I am from the republic of Panama, proud owner
of a 1996 spider.

If you have any comments, please send an E-mail
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