First published 1998 October
alfa romeo
Even more Alfa friends #11
- A friend of mine in Omegna, Italy. Ezno is an Italian mech.
that was chosen by Alfa Romeo to take care of the
"Ottantanni Tour" in 1989.

- This is my Alfa 75TS in 1988.

- . . . and the 164 I had between 1990 to 1995. A very
attractive car with excellent quality. 170 000 km's and no
problems. Great on the Autostrada..

- My first Alfa was this Giulietta Sprint 1957. It's still
running. The gear shift was at the wheel and she had drum
brakes, extensively finned.

- I did love this Giulia Sprint GT.

- 1969 1750 GTVeloce.

- I made this engine stand in 1980. No fuss, just do it and
you'll get easier access when overhauling the engine.

- In 1975 I drove this 2000 Spider for six moths. Gina was

- Gina stripped before overhaul in 1996.

- The head, clean and ready with new valve guides and seats.

Pistons and liners. I changed the original pistons to offset
pistons from an Alfetta.

Those were the days when cars had carburetors,
girls were girls and
Jerry Lee Lewis was "The Killer"!
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