The Limburg 10th Spider Weekend June 29 - July 1
Some pictures from the great success!

Could there be too many Alfa Romeo Spiders out
there in the rain? Actually, I don't care as long as there is enough
beer! If you wonder why Erwin is so distressed, you may find the
reason below on picture #1.
The badge, the people and the spirit
A11 over the world, people rally around their
national flag to express their sense of pride and unity.
The Alfisti sneer at public manifestations of
patriotism centred around bits of cloth, the flag with the serpent
and the cross. They conveniently forget that they themselves are
probably the most flag- flaunting bunch on earth, for the Alfa Romeo
flag is everywhere to be seen - at the top of garden flagpoles, on
postcards, on birthday cakes, on the branches of Christmas trees.
The colours of the flag are echoed on candies and napkins, on bottle
labels and biscuit tins - even on clothes and company logos.
The true Alfisti are not patriots in the usual
sense. Victory monuments come in the form of an immaculate Spider
rather than statues. Ask them what links them together and you will
get it all in one word, -Spidermania-.
If you ask the Vikings about their native country,
and they will hold forth, not about government, history- or culture,
but about deep forests, smiling archipelagos, crayfish served with
aquavit, and flower-wrapped maypoles. For Swedes the national flag
is -primarily an eye-pleasing backdrop. Rather than rallying people
to war, it invites them to a picnic in the meadow.
Visitors and tourists in Sweden are often
surprised that there are no queues in Sweden. In banks, post
offices, pharmacies and bakeries people with expressionless faces
wander around aimlessly as if trying to remember where they are.
From time to me a loud buzz is transmitted from a box under the
ling. The buzz has the effect of jogging the memory of one of the
customers and launching him towards one of e service counters.
The box under the ceiling is in fact a numeric
display -which changes with every buzz. The change is triggered hen
a clerk presses an electric button, prompting each customer to
compare the new number with a kind of lottery ticket in his hand.
The winner is the next to be served.
In Sweden, unlike in other countries, strangers
who head straight from the entrance to the counter risk neither
insult -or injury from waiting customers. Without a lottery ticket,
stranger simply will not be served by the clerk. The real challenge
is to find the ticket dispenser who is usually cleverly hidden
behind a pillar, a notice board or an urn with man-eating plants.
Finding the dispenser is a national sport; a stranger asking for
clues is met with a smug grin and a toss of the head, usually in the
wrong direction.
This was not the case in Limburg. Just enjoying
the Spiders and the friendly people from France, Germany, Belgium,
Luxemburg, Holland and all other nations represented gave us all a
memorable weekend. We will be back next year, but maybe we will see
all again next year in Scandinavia if things work out as planned.
Stay tune for further information about this tour to Scandinavia
Being from Scandinavia, I would like to give some
background about the strange people form the North. When the Vikings
took time off, they used to gather around the campfire to down a
horn of mead. Though their thirst was great after all their
exertions, it became a their thirst was great after all their
exertions it became a matter of honour for each warrior to ration
his intake so that the horn didn't run dry before everyone had had a
swig. In other words, one had to drink team-wise, or "laget om",
later shortened To "Lagom". In modern Swedish the word
lagom has taken on the meaning of "just enough" or `with
Lagom permeates Swedish life. It makes round pegs
fit into square holes. Economically, it has enabled the nation to
find the middle ground between Progress and Humanity, i.e. between
Capitalism and Socialism. In manufacturing, lagom discards
gold-plated designs in favour of optimum solutions. Socially lagom
puts conformity before excellence, tempers extreme personal
wealth-and poverty, and leaves the Swedes irksomely at peace with
themselves. In short, lagom underpins The Swedish Model - not the
curvaceous Playboy centrefold variety but a contourless nirvana of
uniform bliss.
However, the word lagom expresses more than just a
measure of moderation: it also serves to glorify through
understatement. When something is said to be `lagom good', it
actually means it's the best. The Swedes firmly believe their
country is lagom in a variety of skills ranging from invention and
training to quality, performance and safety. This strong sense of
national invincibility goes back to medieval times when generations
of imported bishops were commissioned to invent the history of
Sweden. Citing Plato and ancient Icelandic sagas, they proved that
Sweden was nothing less -than the `Island of the Gods', i.e. the
sunken Atlantis risen again from the ocean floor after the Ice Age
with its rich culture surprisingly intact. Not Hebrew but Swedish
was the Mother of all languages, and the runes (ancient carved
letters) constituted the very first alphabet.
Moving from fiction to fact, it is true that the
Swedish warriors brought down the Roman Empire, ruled the whole of
Northern Europe, and in the 17th century braved the Atlantic to
conquer uninhabited Delaware. The backwardness of the indigenous
Swedish population, which consisted mainly of battlefield gunfodder
and illiterate farmers, was overcome by importing Walloon Belgians,
Hansa Germans and Bernadotte Frenchmen, in whose hands industry,
commerce and administration thrived. Between 1840 and 1920 things
became so wonderful in Sweden that most able-bodied people could
stand it no longer and went to America. Those left behind proceeded,
by hook and by crook, to build today's cradle-to-grave welfare
paradise. No challenge is too great for the lagom perfect people.
Except going to the Limburg Alfa Romeo Spider
Meeting. Thanx a bunch to , Cobi, Erwin and the Dutch Spider
Register. Enjoy the photos.
Cheers Wille R.
This site was produced by Wille
R. If you have any comments or questions, please send an E-mail.
Limburg 1998
Limburg 2000
Limburg 2001