Richard and Ann Winter's Autumnal Adventures
Italiano in the Duetto, 2003.
Sadly, this true alfista left us in 2005. R.I.P
Part 1: Alfa and Air to the Adriatic and Impoundment at

My 1969 Alfa Romeo Spider 1750 Veloce is a great car in which to
explore Italy. In the UK these Pininfarina 'round-tail' cars attract
inquisitive interest but in Italy they attract enthusiasm
approaching adulation, possibly because these cars - indeed any
'old' Italian cars - are now very rare in their home country. Be
prepared for lorry drivers blasting air-horns, waving in
appreciation and strangers approaching to shake your hand to express
their thanks to you for driving something so 'maraviglioso' or
something equally complimentary! Also, of course, Italy tends to be
sunny and that suits the Spider well!
An excellent way of seeing and also 'living' Italy for a few days
is to join an Italian car enthusiast club for one of their tours. In
the Spring my son and I joined the Club Alfa Romeo Duetto (
- Italians call all 105 Spiders 'Duettos', by the way) taking in the
2003 1000 Miglia at the top of the Futa Pass, north of Florence and
then travelling south of Sienna into Tuscany. After what proved to
be a wonderful 2 day event the Club President, Massimo Mello, kept
in touch by email and invited us to join an exploration of the
Romagne region, including San Marino for a week-end in
mid-September, and then on 19th October, a one day climb up into the
mountains on the western shore of Lake Maggiore to round off the
2003 season.

My wife, Anne, and I agreed that the September trip - based on a
hotel on the Adriatic coast near Rimini - was a practicable
proposition. At my house at this time, it happened that Dave Hood
was rebuilding my Spider engine with a little help from me, and he
felt the trip to Italy would just suit his recently completed highly
modified 1969 Giulia '1300' saloon (prize winner at 2003 September
Italian Car Meet, featured in AROC Autumn '03 Mag). Clearly Dave's
car, however desirable, is no Spider, but Massimo was keen for the
Giulia to join in. And there was a big plus to me that Dave's
capacious Giulia boot was available: The wheelchair -to which my
bone cancer confines me for anything beyond the reach of my crutches
- is too bulky for the boot of my 'roundie'.

Early on Tuesday 9th September we drove the old cars in rapid
convoy down to Dover, took the Seacat to Calais and headed off via
Rheims and Lucerne across France and Switzerland. On day 3 we were
driving through storms and deluge as we headed south from Lake
Lucerne and up the St Gotthard Pass. The Alps were enveloped in a
perishing blizzard but glorious warmth and sunshine welcomed us into
Italy. After a typically tortuous trip round Milan we were glad to
find our third night's stay, following the bed signs off the A1 to a
small hotel near Fidenza.
My leg was causing me grief by this stage but didn't detract from
a wonderful and in parts very swift autostrada trip in convoy down
past Bologne and on to Rimini. The cars were behaving superbly,
revelling as were we in some spells of flat out driving. But
unfortunately on our arrival on the Adriatic coast at the Club venue
- the Hotel St Moritz in Igea Marina - I found myself immobilised by
excruciating pain in my right leg. Clearly the femur, already
weakened by cancer, had suffered badly during the journey across
While the Club explored surrounding historic towns on the
Saturday, I rested-up, hoping things would improve for Sunday. Sadly
they didn't so I reluctantly accepted the need for drastic action.
With help for Anne from the hotel and various Club members she made
arrangements for a flight home. Clearly the Spider had to remain in
Italy until I was able to arrange collection and the hotel found it
storage in a garage in the nearby town of Bellaria. Fortunately Dave
was able to continue exploring the area with the Club and he speaks
of participating in wonderful meals and his memories of impressive
convoys of Spiders winding through narrow alleys rising steeply into
medieval fortified towns where parking in the beautiful historic
squares had been reserved for Club members.
On the Sunday evening after the Club tour he was invited to join
a Club member and his wife, his Giulia chasing their Series 3 Spider
in a hairy cross-country drive to their home near Piza. After a
midnight visit to the Leaning Tower, he inspected their several Alfa
Romeos (including an immaculate 1,6 75 and a Bertone coupé as well
as the Spider) and, setting out on the Monday, he took the Italian
west coast route, crossed the wild expanses of the Great St Bernard
Pass into Switzerland, round Lake Geneva and into France before
picking up the Seacat in Calais on Wednesday 17th September.
On Anne's and my return by air to UK I had been
immediately hospitalised and my leg pronounced fractured. No wonder
it smarted a bit! I was home again in just over a week with my femur
from hip to knee reinforced by a stout titanium nail with a spiral
plate passing through it into the ball joint. Three weeks later, on
Tuesday 14th October, Dave's work commitments and my improving
mobility on crutches allowed us to fly RyanAir to Bologne / Forli,
and thence travel by taxi to the Adriatic coast and retrieve my
Spider from the 'garage del motore' in Bellaria. Its 29 day storage
had left it very dusty but otherwise unblemished. Being thus
perforce in Italy once again, our plan, naturally enough, was to
make the most of the situation! Beautiful countryside and cities
were at hand to explore and by now we were just in time for the
Duetto Club's 'end of season' visit to Lake Maggiore. Magnifico!
With Dave at the wheel, me as passenger /
navigator, we drove north across the Romagna plain and at Ferrara
headed straight for the 'centro storico'. Within Ferrara's famous
city walls we located the pleasant Hotel Carlton on Via Garibaldi
facing onto a city-centre square, parked-up and established that
they had rooms for us. Fortunately for me, confined to crutches, the
hotel was very close to Ferrara's notable historic buildings
including the massive 16th century stronghold of the Este family who
reigned rutheless and supreme in medieval Ferrara for many years but
for whom, surely, the ultimate accolade, awarded some 500 years
later, was the naming of Alfa Romeo's magnificent Villa d'Este! And
this was a name that was to feature again during our trip some days
later when we were at Lake Como!

Ever conscious of the cabriolet's vulnerability, I
enquired at reception about a covered garage for the Spider, and,
fortuitously, there was one within 20 yards - and what a place it
was! Heavy doors opened from the same sunlit square into the quietly
chilling gloom of a Quentin Tarantino movie set that was found to
house a few quiescent vehicles and two taciturn Italians. After
brief negotiations one of these characters manoeuvred my car with
due reverence into a Spider-sized side bay, leaving it parked over a
boarded pit, which, along with some antiquated lubrication charts
and a dusty workbench alluded silently to a busier past.
Next morning, having exumed the little Alfa from its sepulchral
retreat, we continued north to Padua along roads lined with enormous
poplar trees. We repeated our practice of ploughing into the old
city centre and stopped beneath St Anthony's historic and rather
crumbling 7-domed basilica and explored the nearby monumental square
which we thought a good spot for a future Alfa gathering. We
departed north west on the SS 11 for Vicenza - the 'city of Palladio'
- and parked again in the heart of the ancient city, in the shadow
of the monumental paired columns which border the magnificent Piazza
dei Signori.
Palladio's famed C16th Basilica and Loggia del Capitano were on
this square and were explored at our leisure in the afternoon
sunshine before we booked into the old 2 star Hotel Vicenza located
nearby. Before parking up for the night, there was another Palladian
building that had to be seen - the Villa Rotunda - and viewing was
urgent! We were in Vicenza on the last day of 2003 that this
building was open - 15th October - and it closed at 6pm. Negotiating
Vicenza's one way streets out to the "Rotunda" left us
just time to explore this masterpiece that has so many copies round
the world - including at Chiswick House.

The gated drive to the Villa Rotunda is cobbled, straight and
steep. As I ascended - on my crutches - I thought this altogether
unsuited to the carriages of its 16th Century guests and speculated
whether Cardinal Capra - the Villa's commissioner - found this to be
a problem; his aristocratic guests could never have been expected to
approach on foot! But as we, the final visitors of the year, were
leaving on the same precipitate path, I had my answer. From
somewhere behind the Rotunda's symmetrical porticos emerged a late
series Alfa Romeo 164 with the building's cultured and elderly
steward at the wheel. In an impressively stately manner, driver and
car descended this cobbled scarp and made their exit, illustrating
conclusively that, indeed, noble carriages can reach - and leave -
the Villa Rotunda with all the decorum demanded by an Italian
gentleman! And rarely can a 164 have been recorded in a more
mutually enhancing setting than in my photographs of this notable

After then visiting the nearby Villa Valmarana, we re-entered
Vicenza as it was getting dark. We wound our way back into the
centre but found ourselves at the opposite end of the Piazza dei
Signori and separated from our intended parking place by a 'no-go'
pedestrian area. We asked of a passing policeman directions to reach
the far end but instead he indicated that we might park in front of
the central Post Office that was adjacent to us. This location was
close to our hotel so we were pleased to leave our Spider there,
parking beside a Mercedes coupé that was also displaying a
'disabled user' card. Before breakfast next morning we decided to
check that the Spider was safe. To our horror and disbelief it had
vanished! In its place was a vendor of antiques - very droll - and
all around were massed market stalls and throngs of shoppers. Hoping
that my Alfa may have been simply moved aside, we scoured
neighbouring streets but instead found that the market spread all
around, completely filling the Piazza dei Signori which had been
transformed from the tranquillity of the previous day into a chaotic

With breakfast forgotten, we hastened back to the hotel to seek
assistance. Showing initially a marked lack of concern that
contrasted strongly with ours, the receptionist riffled rather
languidly through the Vicenza phonebook, uncertain as to which
municipal authority might have taken my car. But as she better
understood the circumstances she rapidly warmed to the task and when
she located where the Alfa was impounded she proceeded to argue our
case enthusiastically and repeatedly to increasingly senior
personnel. The local hotels should have been contacted - which is
normal practice - before the car was taken, she insisted, especially
since the car was displaying a disabled card and was clearly of UK
origin so the pavement signs - in Italian - about markets each
Thursday would be missed. And then, of course, we had understood
that a policeman had guided us to park there …
It was late morning by the time a taxi was called to take us to
the car pound where I reported to the desk. After a short time a
senior manager arrived, a friendly hirsute giant whose appearance
suggested a possible Norse lineage. He explained how the city's
contract with the market traders meant that streets had to be
cleared but how, in our case, the extenuating circumstances meant
impoundment expenses were being waived. So saying, with a flourish
of initials, and to my great relief, he expunged charges of over 100
Euros on the municipal impoundment register. Furthermore, he said,
as we walked to collect the Spider, what a pleasure and surprise it
had been to see our wonderful car when he arrived at work that
morning! - what year was it? - he himself had a 1968 Lancia Fulvia -
what are you doing with the car here? … Thus the discussion moved
to pleasanter matters!
However, our new-found Lancia-owning friend explained, there
remained the fact that we had committed a parking offence - albeit
inadvertently - and in order that we may address that quite separate
matter, officers from the Polizia Municipale were about to arrive.
We were required to follow them to Police HQ - Don't worry, he said,
I expect they are inviting you over for coffee! Soon Dave was
steering the Alfa into the heart of the city once again, but this
time pursuing a police Fiat to the Polizia Municipale Vicenza. The
Police HQ occupies a former Palazzo located on the Contra Soccorso
Soccorsetto and there we followed the Fiat beneath the palace's
Renaissance arch into the tree-lined court that now serves as the
police yard. We were escorted in to meet the Capitano, Claudio
Sartori, and another senior officer, Stefano Riello.

It quickly became evident that, although the Officers were
sympathetic and appreciated the circumstances, an offence had,
inescapably, been committed and a fine would have to levied.
Furthermore because I was a foreign visitor, the fine would have to
be paid immediately. The whole process was most politely handled and
my fine - 33.6 Euros - was receipted by the Commune di Vicenza
Comando Polizia Municipale. With formalities thus complete, Dave and
I proceeded with the Capitano and his Officer to the police bar,
where we talked about our visit to Italy and the interesting people
we were meeting. There, too, we were refreshed by some freshly
brewed coffee - our friend at the municipal car-pound had proved
correct after all!
Part #2 is
Richard Winter Nov
E-mail to Richard
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