Beautiful Netherlands
Andy Rottman from the Swiss Duetto
Club shows his immaculate 1750 Veloce to
Jacquot from Luxembourg and Klaus Mohr, Germany.

The engine bay, very clean indeed, a Swiss habit.

This is Hans-Peter Krabb's engine bay, still as clean as ever.

Have a look underneath, no rust here after 31 years. Still the
same Swiss 1750 Veloce.

Jan Groen and his 100 per cent rust-free US-imported 1750
Veloce. Roni Oldermans is supervising.

Cees Badou is proud owner of this ex-Canadian 1750 Veloce.

Stina takes a break while crossing the Afsluitsijk, nice view
with the North Sea behind.

Andrea from Viareggio, Italy was very worried about his Giulia
1967. No problem, Jan fixed it.

Wille R relaxing on the ferry.

Jan Spaan is very eager to enter the parking lot. Only Spiders
were allowed there.

. . . and soon it was all crowded with roundtails.

The Swiss twins!