GPS, food, wine testing and

We went to the UK first and visited
Highwoodalfa. This time, Stina and I drove through Denmark and
to take the ferry from Esbjerg to Harwich. As usual, when I
feel very comfortable listening to the twin-cam engine
revving, there is always something coming up. This time, Stina
spotted some water underneath the engine just as we were
taking off. It turned out to be the hose between the manifold
and the heater. The hose is slightly vulcanized and after more
than 30 years, it had started to crack. Oh no, the ferry
wouldn't wait for us so I cut the hose and put two thick studs
and blocked the system temporarily.
Anyway, since this was the hottest day
this summer we drove through Denmark in 26 degrees and did not
bother with the heater. This excellent weather followed us to
England. We had a nice time on the ferry which left Denmark in
the evening. We had the usual dinner and spent quite a while
at the bar before we turned in. Isn't it funny how good you
sleep on a ship?

The next day at noon we started our
1967 Spider Veloce on the left side of the British roads. We
had two lovely weeks and drove through Cambridge, Oxford,
Cirenchester, Wales, Cornwall and Land's End, over the Dart
moor, Shaftsbury and via Dover - Calais we arrived in Belgium.
In the U.K. we only saw a very small
number of classic Alfa Romeo cars. In fact, we hardly spotted
any Alfas at all. In Cirenchester however, we stumbled over
this GTV and had a nice chat with the owner. Oh, yes of
course, Chris Sweetapple showed us his two 156 models and took
us for a very fast drive in the Selespeed. I had the
opportunity to browse the Highwood Motor Co too. What an
amazing line of parts for the classic Alfa Romeo. Thanx.
Through Cornwall wee drove on pure
Spider roads. I am not that keen on heights, perhaps the fact
that I am close to two meters tall, I am kind of tired of
seeing everything from the top. Stina on the other hand likes
to stand close to the cliff looking down. I prefer to just
stay close to the Spider like here, some miles north of Bude
in Cornwall.
I must admit I enjoyed every minute in
the U.K. Driving on the left side of the road is no problem
and as we have a deal with the Spider only to go on local
roads, the Spider was stretching and revving out and we even
got a tan in the sun. Yes of course, the British weather gave
us a hard time occasionally with heavy showers, but who cares,
we are Scandinavian Vikings. Speaking of Scandinavia, one of
our characteristics is the longing for an open, free and
abandoned landscape.

We found this spot at the Dart moor.
It was a real Charles Dickens revival. If you close your eyes
and lean back in the Spider, pictures and images of a rainy
night with thunder, howling wolfs and a gun shot from the
prison indicating an innocent murderer had escaped, well, the
lot will come over you. I do recommend you to drive across
this amazing moor. There are a lot of sheep and wild! ponies
there. What? Yes of course, we found a cozy Pub there, the
Dart moor Inn where we sat in the sun enjoying the food and
beverage and the view. Plus the Spider of course.
Finally after two weeks we took the
ferry from Dover to Calais and drove through France and
Belgium to Leuven. We spent two days in Leuven and watched the
football match between Holland and Italy one evening in an
Italian restaurant. That was real fun. I must admit I did not
know what nation to support. Well, Italy makes the Spider and
Holland arranges the Limburg weekends, so I had quite a
dilemma there.
We arrived in Valkenburg at lunchtime
and were welcomed by Erwin. We all missed Mr. Carl Timmer and
Spiderman and we think they missed us and the rest of the gang

Jaan Spaan was sitting, actually he
took a nap, in his Kamm-tailed Spider under the umbrella. At
this moment, we were all using them to get some protection
from the sun. At a quiet moment like this in total peace and
calm, it was hard to image what he was expecting later. A few
moments after this photo, the sky was wide open and the rain
came pouring down. Lucky Jaan got this moment resting. The
Spaan's are the real Alfa family. They have a lot of Spiders
at home and they even bring the dog along in the back seat. I
think it is a Welch Corgi

Yepp, Cees Badoux explains the hood
mechanism to the interested spectators. His Spider Veloce got
an award the last day, congratulations. It is always good to
meet new friends with a mutual interest. Plus, could there be
a better subject to discuss than a round-tail Spider? Jan
Groen was as always there to explain everything for the
novices. What Jan does not know about the Spider, is not worth
You will always get lots of positive
comments and advice. That comes hand in hand with the Alfa
spirit. Wherever you park your Spider, someone is bound to
comment and talk to you. Especially older people often say
that they once had an Alfa Romeo many years ago and had a lot
of fun with it. So do I.

Toni Borgioni, left, is
having a good time entertaining our US guests, Richard
Kowalski plus some other people. Richard is originally from
San Francisco and he drove a Belgian Kamm-tail, imported from
the States and he lives in Germany. Quite international. It
goes without saying that we all had a good time socializing in
the garden of Hotel Vue des Montagnes. Imagine the decibels
when we all got together. No mufflers here, oh no. Just rev up
your mind and open your mouth and join the gang. Everybody
felt most welcome. Many of us had been attending the Limburg
Spider Weekend before and it is always good to have a talk
about previous events.

No worries, a pint of beer, nice
people and close to the parking lot, that's the Spider spirit.
Whenever we heard the sound of an Alfa engine, we all kept
quiet and listened. But only for a few moments, then we
started chatting again. Sometimes we were interrupted by the
sound of cast iron, the Morgan Club had a meeting at the same
hotel as we, but this did not bother us. Forza Alfa.
think that a lot of the Morgan Club were very interested in
our Webers and alloy engines, at least some of them spent a
while at the parking lot.
The only time we here in Sweden use
body language spontaneously is when we flails our arms to
drive away wasps from pour summer picnics. Sometimes we fend
off a mosquito in the forest. But, to a true Alfista, you
salute and wave your hand and flash the beams when you meet
another Alfa Romeo. That's the true way of greeting a Spider
like we do in Limburg.
Another peculiar Swedish preoccupation
is what to do with our hands. At dinner table we normally use
the popular habit of twirling the stem of a wineglass or like
some hold a cigarette. Since smoking is not a habit of mine
and drinking has gone out of fashion. Oh, how I miss my
removable steering wheel.
Conference junkies in Sweden are often
sent away to public speaking seminars partly to learn what to
do with the limbs. Crossing one's arm is out, considered to be
too defensive. So is standing with arms akimbo, too aggressive
or concealing one's hands in trouser pockets, too suggestive.
Those of us who finally get the picture accompany our
discourse with incongruous contortions more often seen in
Indonesian dances.
This is one of the good things that
comes hand in hand with the Limburg meetings. I miss my
steering wheel but learn quite a lot of other habits and

This is the road block on Sunday. We
all needed a brake and as soon as one Spider stopped in front
of a café, soon the rest of us dropped by. And yes, of course
we sat so we could enjoy the view of the Spiders. Wouldn't
you? Another thing, when we started to drive on Saturday
morning, we were driving behind a driving school car. The
pupil and teacher in the VW Golf sure made big eyes when we
overtook them, it was like a string of pearls, in this case
Alfa Romeo Spiders in all various colors. I am sure they were
very thrilled and envious by the sighting.

It is mandatory with some culture at
our meetings. This time we all went to a wine yard to learn
all and everything about Dutch wines. Remember the photo of
Jaan Spaan sleeping under the umbrella? Now was the time to
use it. Suddenly, the sky was open and those of us who had the
top down turned most active and occupied. It was a real mess
and we all ran across to get some shelter for the thunder and
rain. When they let us into the wine cellar, we all looked
like wet cats.
We stayed inside the cellar and made
thoughts about the bottles and the wine. We were also thought
how to hold the glass when drinking a good wine. It was a hard
choice for the drivers, drink wine or drive, but I am sure
that the Spider beat the wine.