Limburg 1998 #1 1998 #2 1999  1999 #1 1999 #2 1999 #3
1999 #4 2000 2000 #1 2001 2001 #1 2001 #2 2006
Limburg 1999 together with the Dutch Alfaspider Register 

Duetto friends in The Netherlands

Hans and Andrea de Kok chatting about Spiders, of course. Note the cool gang relaxing in the sun. This was during the Saturday tour.

The sunset and the Spiders. We had our own watch-dog. The Spaan version to the right was barking at the photographer. I was standing on top of the Kitchen roof, a popular spot for the photographers. Kodak made a fortune during that weekend.

Mr Spiderman and Cobi want some attention. It is time for a speach! Quiet, please!

Ooooh, those Spidera!

Cees and Marianne Badeoux. Very friendly people